Latest Scam Sites:
PrimeBaps , WPayz , LoopEarn , Turbobuxpro , BitMortal , Earniation-PTC , BigBux , DaxBuxPro , InvestHome , BoobBux , Adzv , easybux4u , Greenads , Frenzyfunds , MasterCardBux , BlueWeekbux , Harper7 , UmePrize , fellaamrbix , SevenAds , , Junglebux , Coinfola , GrandCash , TeamBuildMachine , Goldenadz , TogyBux , EarnTech , WorkPaid , AdsBet , Bomb Maya Clicks , IdeaClix , ClickMedia , EyeBux , CatBux , GreenBuxx , HeroBux , CashHustlers ,
About Us
We noticed that many people are interested to earn online from Paid-To-Click Sites.
However, they do not know which PTC site is Legit and which is Scam and they confused whether the site they are joining will pay or not.
They need more information and expert reviews to join and work in a right PTC.
So we thought why not we help people by sharing our experience, so we started a trusted PTC Review site to guide PTC members.
We have team members who have great experience in Paid-To-Click sites. We have more than 5 yrs of experience in making money online in various sites like PTC, GPT, Traffic Exchanges, and Faucets etc.

How does it work?

1. When a new PTC site is launched, its owner or administrator provides us information on that site in our ‘Add Program’ section.
2. We verify the information and if it is correct we add that site in our lists and it shows in our ‘New Site’ section.
3. Site administrator post add on his / her site in ads section for votes. The users on that site vote if they get paid and site is really paying.
4. When user submit vote and write the vote text then the vote confirmation sent to users email addres where he / she verify the code.
5. Once the vote code verified then user vote posted on our site and site status up or down on the basis of votes.

How do we decide the 'Status' of a program?

Status is a score granted by Admin based on our team members based review and users opinion. We have assigned each program in any of the five status mentioned below :


Have presence more than 365 days and more than 1000 positive votes


Have presence more than 180 days and more than 500 positive votes


Have presence more than 90 days and more than 250 positive votes


Have presence more than 30 days and more than 50 positive votes


Default status for the new program

Please Note

• We do not promote or advertise any scam site. They are strictly prohibited.
• We do not accept money for creating positive reviews.
• The only genuine review is displayed as members posted for that sites.

Latest Votes

Dated : 19-06-2024
Vote : Very Bad

Dated : 10-06-2024
Vote : Very Good

Dated : 09-06-2024
Vote : Very Bad

Dated : 04-06-2024
Vote : Very Good

Dated : 01-06-2024
Vote : Very Good

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Visitors Since 6th September 2023

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